Meet zachary
Currently, I have a weekly sex advice column at Men’s Health titled “Sexplain It.” In the column, I answer a diverse range of questions pertaining to masculinity, ethical non-monogamy, sexual insecurities, and the LGBTQ community. (I mean, on brand.) I answer questions with actionable advice that isn't just "communicate with your partner" because let’s be real, we already know that shit.
My column was such a success that Men’s Health had me co-author the book Men’s Health Best Sex Ever: 200 Frank, Funny & Friendly Answers About Getting It On.
I also have a new monthly column at Cosmopolitan titled “Navigating Non-Monogamy,” where I share all the mistakes I’ve made in my polyamory journey so you don’t have to. I delve into the nitty-gritty of non-monogamy, tackling issues that extend far beyond the basic “how to navigate jealousy” and “how to open up your relationship.”
My new book, Boyslut: A Memoir and Manifesto, is out now! In the book, I articulate that, even today, we live in a world that shames people for the sex that they have and the sexualities that they inhabit. Through the lens of my bisexuality and self-described sluttiness, I break down exactly how this sexual shame negatively impacts the sex and relationships in our lives, and through personal experience, I share how we can unlearn the harmful, entrenched messages that society imparts to us.
My work has appeared in The New York Times, Rolling Stone, The Washington Post, Cosmo, The Daily Beast, NBC, GQ, Allure, Slate, Playboy, Bustle, Prevention, and AskMen among others. I also had a biweekly column at Bisexual.org titled “Good Bi Love,” which has received over three million unique views since the column’s inception. I also had a queer cannabis column, titled “Puff Puff YASS,” at Civilized.
Previously, I was a contributing editor at Pride.com, HIV Plus magazine, and The Advocate magazine and was also an associate digital editor for OUT magazine.
I’ve been featured as an expert on numerous podcasts, including Dan Savage’s Savage Lovecast, and have spoken across the country at universities and on panels about issues pertaining to the bisexual community, masculinity, sex-positivity, and ethical non-monogamy. In 2016, I attended the “Bisexual White House Briefing” at the White House (under Obama, obvi).
While not writing, speaking, or thinking about sex, I’m likely gettin’ some, usually in a New York Sport’s Club sauna.

Want Zach to speak at an event? Write some fancy words for ya?